Projects and Collaborations

Coding Like a Data Miner
An NSF Funded Project to Develop Culturally Relevant Computer Science-based Data Science Curriculum.

Community Labs and Biomaking
A Project to Examine Community Labs as Sites for Biomaking and Life Science Teaching and Learning.

Synthetic Biology and Me
A Funded Project to Examine Biomaking in a Local FabLab, an Informal Learning Environment for STEAM.

Project PULSE
An NSF Funded Project to Study and Support Productive Struggle in Undergraduate Computer Science Education.

Building CS Ed Capacity
A U.S. Department of Education Funded Project to develop a modern CS Teacher Education certification and degree program suited to support and sustain a thriving CS pipeline in the El Paso region.

Additive Manufacturing Ed
A UTEP W.M. Keck Center Funded Collaboration to Examine and Assess Learning Outcomes Using Advanced 3D Printing Technologies.

Creativity in Minecraft
A Project to Explore Creativity Constructs in Minecraft Gamer Productions.